Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Full Moon/SuperMoon/MoonRise

 The Photo above was taken during in between of Sunset and Moonrise, that's why the color of the moon is somewhat was so pretty..

 This was taken during the supermoon, taken 5:15 in the morning.

A full moon before supermoon.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Oh My! How long i have not been here? I actually didn't forget, it is just i had lots of things going on lately especially the week of father's day. I had lots of projects that needed to be done. In return, i had an excellent ratings from all the pictures and the unique arts i made. It was busy weeks plus my three Saturday classes. Last Saturday, we attended our friend's birthday in Hawaiian outfit. It was a blast. Habibi took the photo above. It turned out good though. Here i am again, though it would not be everyday right now but i see to it that i can visit here as much as i can.


Sunday, June 9, 2013


How Amazing it is to have captured this dragonfly in the woods..

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Behind the Camera

My Co-worker and friend paid a visit to some places to do some photo shoots...